Teams who trust get more done

You know when you’re in a zoom meeting and it’s awkward, and no one’s sharing their thoughts, and no one is having fun?

This usually means the team doesn’t know or trust each other. Lencioni’s 5 dysfunctions of a team says you can’t build an effective team if there’s mistrust in the team.

For organisations to thrive, trust is vital within and across teams.

Employees who trust leadership are more motivated, productive, and engaged, but only 1/3 of workers say they trust leadership (Atvis, 2024).

Hybrid and remote teams have less time together to build trust. Any audio or video conversation need to be scheduled. Incidental hallway chats don’t exist. So, we need to be more creative and intentional is building trust in hybrid & remote organisations.

Trust is earned in drips and lost in buckets.

One way to build trust is to build relationships through story. If you’re a leader looking to improve your team’s effectiveness, try sharing a story about a time when you loved your job, a work task or team activity.


When the going gets Tough, the tough get playing


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