rituals &
reflect with PlaygrouNded

We believe human connection is more important than any other factor when building a hybrid & remote organisation, because, when smart people work well together, they can solve any problem.


We offer one-off workshops that help you build relationships, rituals or reflective practice into your team.

Find out more as you scroll down the page.


We work with you to deliver team and organisation-wide offsite program design and facilitation.

Get in touch to find out more.

12 week program

This program is designed to connect and engage across teams embedding relationship building, communication practices through rituals and feedback culture through reflective practice into the day to day.

Click this link for program details.


Humans are hardwired to play. It is the mechanism for learning & engagement with task. A group that can play together is a group that can make amazing things happen, respond to novel circumstances, create and innovate, take care of each other and become more than the sum of its parts.


A team that plays together, learns together. Gather your team and come have some fun applying the ’ancient wisdom of clown’ to help your people connect, learn about each other and think about this thing we call work. Oh, and do it all laughing your ass off. This workshop can be 3 hours or a full day.


Strong relationships make it safe-enough to play with work. Our stories and how we share them build those relationships. Playgrounded workshops build connection, so that you can get shit done, playfully.


Stop team building, start telling stories. Rather than doing axe throwing or an Amazing race, we offer a workshop that builds connection through telling stories about why you do what you do. This workshop could be 3 hours or a full day.


Since humans got together in groups to do 'stuff', they have created rituals. Rituals tell an organisation of humans, who they are and focus them on what they are there to do. You are smart, witty, wise leaders and have great strategy - but have you created the repeatable, scalable, group experiences that allow that strategy to live in the heart and minds of your people?


Playing for productivity. Games are rituals. Gather your team together for a workshop to play some games to learn about rituals and make some of your own that engage your team with your day to day work. This workshop can be 3 hours or a full day.

Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is a mean through which craftspeople can achieve mastery. By integrating this process into organisational life, your people, teams and the business-as-a-whole can continuously learn and improve while they do their thing. External training is awesome, but when your people learn from their work, in their teams, the benefits to your organisation are exponential.


Learn the theory of reflective practice in a workshop setting, apply reflective practice to your group and figure out how you’re going to bring it into your day to day. This workshop can be 3 hours, or a full day.

Connection embedded in your day to day

Asynchronous & scalable for hybrid & remote teams

A computer can’t collaborate

Developing relationships, rituals and reflective practice are the means through which humans collaborate. Reach out to Playgrounded to find out how any of our products could work in your organisation.

Make an impact

  • Improve productivity

  • Increase employee engagement

  • Reduce manager burnout