Research & reality

As an academic and business leader, all our talks are research backed and reality based. Also, they’re super entertaining. We have been known to wear a bear suit or read a poem.

Things we talk about

  • Work isn’t working. Far too often we hear of people having a truly terrible time at work. Empirically, the data shows engagement is falling globally, unhappiness is rising and this seems to be the new norm. Anecdotally, we all hear about work becoming traumatic for people. We as HR are the funnel for these experiences and increasingly, we’re burning out. This is bad because it’s not good for humans… but also, it’s bad because it’s bad for business. Unengaged workers impact their teams, and organisations get far less done. The mental model we share of work was created in the 1760s and is no longer fit for purpose. What we need is a new paradigm for thinking about work that allows for crucial skills of creativity, collaboration and connection that are requirements for the survival of organisations in the modern workplace. 

  • Culture is complex. Companies grow. So how do we build an effective organisation that gets stuff done, and the people doing the work love what they do and where they work. We know a secret! It came from a clown, and is backed up by the science. It’s a word we have lost the true meaning of.. It’s play. Come and listen to how a head of people and a clown helped co-create a company culture grounded in play that navigated the waters of remote working, global expansion and high growth… while the world was going through some things. This talk is going to be weird, fun and above all super useful.

  • Collaboration happens when relationships are strong and people feel safe enough to play. This is all about the magic of human connection.

    But, how do you build connection quickly? Aside from sharing trauma or spending infinite amounts of time together hanging out, the most effective and efficient way to connect humans is via sharing our stories. The trick is how to share stories in a work context.

  • Digital tools are really awesome for telling us what tasks we have to do, but no computer can collaborate with you. Collaborative solutions are built through ideating, innovating and sharing, but how do you create an environment where people feel safe enough to take the risks of working together? With technology moving the way it's moving, this is one problem computers can never solve. So, forward thinking organisations should be considering how they promote collaboration in an entirely new working environment.

  • Reflective practice is the means through which humans attain mastery. It allows a contributor to ask ‘What did I just do? How did it feel? What can I learn from it?’. More importantly it allows other to share this learning and in turn, for the organisation to learn. In this era of innovation, this is vital for the survival of any organisation. Learn how to create spaces for this ongoing group learning so that your team can thrive now and in the future.

  • Systems psychodynamics has some really handy insights into how we can lead organisations.

  • The word 'play' often makes people cringe, and for good reason. We all know what is fun for us. We don't teach you how to have fun, this talk explores when humans are 'safe enough' to take risks and learn, they can enjoy themselves. That is when a play state exists. We explore how to create the conditions for play to emerge in your organisation through applying systems psychodynamics theories to practical working enviroments.

  • Ever since humans got together in groups people have been worrying that they're not good enough, that they don't fit in and that what they have to contribute is of no worth.

    Over the years, we've given this human experience many different names 'inner critic', 'self-doubt' or 'imposter syndrome'. There is a way to harness the power of doubt to help us take care of ourselves and do really amazing work.